Solar Solutions – Ceramic Coatings and Efficient Production

Pixabay PEXELS
Pixabay PEXELS

With the world changing and moving on from fossil fuels, we need to embrace new and varied energy sources. One of the most popular and widespread solutions has been solar panels. With just a small panel array, a house can be powered nearly entirely from the sun, with minimal draw from the local power grid. Where this solution has proven popular and effective, it is not without its drawbacks. Primary amongst them being the need to keep the panels clean to maximize energy production, and the longevity of the arrays.

This is where ceramic coatings come in. Where there are plenty of places that are prime locations for producing solar power, the issue of cleaning and maintenance compounds with upfront cost. Making it harder to encourage the rollout of panels. To help mitigate these issues, solar panels are already tilted to allow rain to roll off. However, just tilting the panel is not enough to completely clean the surface.

What a ceramic coating offers is a surface with minimal friction and a high contact angle, creating the distinctive beading effect. What this means for solar panels is that instead of having water and mineral build up on the panel, water sheets off. Preventing it from drying and depositing minerals on the panel. The result is effectively a self-cleaning panel, as it does not require extra intervention to keep it clean.

The hardness of the coating also provides an extra layer of protection to the underlying unit. Being exposed to the air, it is not uncommon for solar panels to be exposed to dirt, animal droppings, sand, plant matter etc. All depending on where the panels are installed. By creating an ultra-hard coating over the unit, it is protected from physical damage that could reduce its efficiency, or even longevity. All without compromising the efficiency of the underlying photovoltaic cells.

As an added benefit of this, because of the increased resilience, the average lifespan of a cell increases. Making them longer lasting, and requiring less production of the units overall. Having a positive environmental impact, while offering a better solution for both customers and installers.

By making solar units both self-cleaning and more resilient, there is the added benefit of being more cost effective in the long run. Making it easier to both encourage adoption of the technology more widely, while benefiting pre-existing customers by giving them an option to improve on what they already have.

As the world is changing, we need to change with it. Thus, why we offer our AF/AF+ ceramic coatings. To help work towards a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all. We may all only be able to play a small part in the changes to come, but we hope that our contributions can help, even if just a bit, to make the world a better place for all.

Image courtesy of Pixabay on PEXELS

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